498 research outputs found

    Phase transitions in nuclear matter

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    Phase transitions in nuclear matter A method for the description of spin-isospin phase transitions in nuclear matter is developed. It allows a complete description of the pion condensation phase transition in the framework of the Landau-Migdal Fermi liquid theory. The equation of the order parameter is derived and the condensation energy is calculated. We study the influence of pion condensation on the nuclear equation of state and the temperature dependence of pion condensation. NUCLEAR STRUCTURE Description of pion-condensed ground state by Green's function technique

    Possibility of detecting density isomers in high-density nuclear mach shock waves

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    Up to now no experimentally feasible method for detecting abnormal nuclear states has been known. We propose to observe them in high-energy heavy-ion collisions through the disappearance of, or irregularities in, high-density nuclear Mach shock phenomena

    The problem of self-consistent particle phase space distributions for periodic focusing channels

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    Charged particle beams that remain stationary while passing through a transport channel are represented by ``self-consistent'' phase space distributions. As the starting point, we assume the external focusing forces to act continuously on the beam. If Liouville's theorem applies, an infinite variety of self-consistent particle phase space distributions exists then. The method is reviewed how to determine the Hamiltonian of the focusing system for a given phase space density function. Subsequently, this Hamiltonian is transformed canonically to yield the appropriate Hamiltonian that pertains to a beam passing through a non-continuous transport system. It is shown that the total transverse beam energy is a conserved quantity, if the beam stays rotationally symmetric along the channel. It can be concluded that charged particle beams can be transmitted through periodic solenoid channels without loss of quality. Our computer simulations, presented in the second part of the paper, confirm this result. In contrast, the simulation for a periodic quadrupole channel yields a small but constant growth rate of the rms-emittance.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figure

    Preußisch? Protestantisch? Plebejisch? Berlins Entwicklung zu einer Metropole kritischer Gegenkultur

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    Berlins Funktion als Zentrum der „Stadtkultur“ wĂ€hrend der Einmauerung der Metropole ist nicht vom Himmel gefallen. Viele spezifische Bedingungen seiner FrĂŒhgeschichte erzeugen offenbar die Disposition fĂŒr eine besondere Berliner MentalitĂ€t, die gerne als nĂŒchtern, realistisch, sarkastisch und obrigkeitskritisch charakterisiert wird. In der jĂŒngeren Historie Berlins, insbesondere in den sechzig Jahren als Hauptstadt von Monarchie und Republik, entsteht hier mit der kĂŒnstlerisch-kulturellen Opposition gegen herrschende Politik eine eigene neue Tradition. Nachdem der Zweite Weltkrieg dann Deutschland als geteiltes Land ohne Hauptstadt hinterlassen hat und das funktionslose „Rest-Berlin“ allmĂ€hlich gĂ€nzlich zur Insel wird, disponieren soziale und ideologische Konstellationen die Stadt schließlich zu einer Art Kombination aus „Schaufenster des Westens“ und kulturell genutzter Industriebrache. Durch die VerschrĂ€nkung der genannten Aspekte will dieser Beitrag eine Ahnung davon geben, warum Berlin sich von 1961 an zu einem einmaligen Biotop alternativer Kunst und Kultur entwickelte.Ce n’est pas un hasard si Berlin fait fonction de « Stadtkultur » (une ville qui tient lieu de culture) Ă  l’époque du Mur. De nombreuses spĂ©cificitĂ©s dans l’histoire de cette ville crĂ©ent les conditions d’une mentalitĂ© proprement berlinoise, que l’on qualifie volontiers d’objective, de rĂ©aliste, sarcastique et critique envers l’autoritĂ©. Durant les soixante annĂ©es oĂč Berlin fut capitale de la monarchie puis de la rĂ©publique, s’y est dĂ©veloppĂ©e une tradition nouvelle et particuliĂšre Ă  cette ville, du fait de la nette opposition des milieux de la culture et de l’art Ă  la politique en vigueur. AprĂšs la Seconde Guerre mondiale qui divise l’Allemagne en deux et la prive de capitale, quand « Rest-Berlin » devient progressivement une enclave isolĂ©e, diverses constellations sociales et idĂ©ologiques se dĂ©ploient finalement pour en faire une combinaison de « vitrine de l’Ouest » et de friche industrielle en maniĂšre de squat culturel, Berlin devenant un biotope unique pour l’art et la culture alternatifs.It is no coincidence that Berlin played the role of a “Stadtkultur” (a city-culture) during the Berlin Wall Era. Numerous developments in the city’s history created the conditions for a strictly Berlin mentality which is willingly described as objective, realist, sarcastic, and critical of authority. Over the 60 years that saw Berlin as the capital first of the monarchy and then the capital of the republic a new tradition, unique to the city, developed out of a staunch opposition of the cultural and artistic circles to the politics of the time. After the Second World War and the division that deprived Germany of its capital and when “Rest-Berlin” (West-Berlin) turned into an isolated enclave, various social and ideological constellations ultimately sprang up and combined. Berlin as a “showroom of the West” and an industrial wasteland, became a cultural melting-pot, a unique biotope for alternative art and culture

    Von "Schnapphahn & Kallaputschni" nach "Mause Gorbitz": SÀchsische Förderfilme in der Mediathek der SLUB

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    Wenn man 2006 aufmerksam durch das JubilÀumsjahr unserer Stadt gegangen ist, sind dem Betrachter die vielfÀltigen filmischen AktivitÀten zur 800-Jahr-Feier nicht verborgen geblieben...

    Analysis of the Variety of Lithium-Ion Battery Modules and the Challenges for an Agile Automated Disassembly System

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    Within this paper the initial steps for the realisation of an agile automated system for battery module disassembly will be presented. The state of the art battery modules need to be analysed with regards to their structure, components and the relationship of the components to each other. In particular, the key challenges in battery module disassembly up to cell level are identified and classified in order to systematically derive the requirements for the disassembly system. The identified challenges for automated disassembly are twofold: process-related and product-related. The variety of battery modules can be seen as a product-related challenge, while non-detachable joints combined with the hazards posed by Li-ion batteries can be described as process-related challenge. An approach for capturing the variety of battery modules is done by using the methodology of a morphological box

    Station coordinates from LLR analysis as contribution to the next ITRF

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    Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) wird seit mehr als 43 Jahren durchgefĂŒhrt. Der vorhandene Datensatz wird in einer kleinsten-Quadrate-Ausgleichung analysiert, um verschiedene Parameter des Erde-Mond-Systems zu bestimmen, z.B. den Mondorbit, die Erdorientierungsparameter, die Koordinaten der Retro-Reflektoren auf der MondoberflĂ€che und die Stationskoordinaten auf der Erde. Nun wurde die Analyse der LLR-Daten so modifiziert, dass die ermittelten Stationskoordinaten in einer Kombination fĂŒr das nĂ€chste ITRF verwendet werden können. Hier werden erste Ergebnisse vorgestellt, wie gut die aus LLR bestimmten Koordinaten zur Lösung des DTRF2008 passen

    How Could Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Be Used for Ecohydrological and Ecosystem Research? Experiences of First Operations with UAS in River Flood Plains of Northern Mongolia

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    This paper proposes the use of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) as a method for monitoring biotic resources and ecohydrological systems in river floodplains. Small scale mapping based on LANDSAT and SRTM or ASTER data is of limited applicability since a spatial resolution of 30 to 90 m is not sufficient to meet the demands of habitat mapping and large scale 3D -modelling. Newer satellites like WorldView2 and SENTINEL (space mission from European Space Agency within the Copernicus Programme) could be an option to gain a 0.5 m resolution, but the availability of image data is limited. UAS allow the collection of very high spatial and temporal resolution image data and the generation of digital elevation models (DEM). A spatial resolution of less than 10 cm and multispectral or hyperspectral image data, which can be provided by UAS sensors, is needed for mapping of habitats and riparian vegetation. Indicators for water quality such as chlorophyll (a) and suspended matter concentration can be efficiently derived from multispectral image data. Thermal image data, which can also be recorded by UAS-borne sensors, provides information on thermal heterogeneity of water temperature and the interaction of river and groundwater discharge from the river floodplain. In addition, cloud cover rarely affects UAS-generated aerial images because flying altitudes are usually low and flight missions can be timed very flexibly. UAS are also much more cost-effective to operate than manned aircraft. In a first field survey in September 2012, several field plots were investigated in northern Mongolia in different watersheds of the Selenge River Basin (SRB) with varying types of land use and environmental impacts. The regional focus was on the Kharaa River Basin (KRB), which is a paradigm for transformation from nearly natural conditions to an increasingly altered state by economic activities. Within the BMBF funded project “Integrated Water Resources Management in Central Asia: model region Mongolia (MoMo)” the actual situation of water quality, quantity and ecological impacts in this area has been investigated since 2006. A first analysis of nutrient and ecological gradients of the Kharaa Rver Basin indicates a ‘good’ chemical and ecological status for the headwaters and some parts of the middle reaches. Evidence for initial processes of ecosystem degradation and biodiversity loss were detected in the middle and increasingly in the lower reaches. Despite many efforts, several questions remained unsolved. Among them, the impact of erosion and particle transport on ecosystem degradation is a key issue. Fine sediment intrusion caused by erosion predominantly from the river banks but also from upland areas seems to be the most likely cause. However, based on the experiences of our existing monitoring scheme with a combination of intense fieldwork and continuous measuring with data loggers, the need of more spatial information (e.g. riparian vegetation structure, hydromorphology) with a high resolution became evident to confirm this hypothesis. Therefore, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) equipped with a calibrated RGB camera was used to record image data for photogrammetric processing. DEM and orthophotos as well as spherical panoramic views were derived. Furthermore, thermal image data were terrestrially collected using an Infratec Variocam hr. Integration of thermal, multi- or hyperspectral sensors on various UAS (e.g. Archaeocopter), as well as analysis algorithms are the next steps for future work. The applicability of remote sensing approaches is discussed to better foster the development of ground truthing for a sustainable river basin management plan. The application of UAS offers a sound scientific base to assess especially the riparian zones in areas with difficult access
